While most people enjoy seeing deer grazing in a field, they’re less amused when “Bambi” walks in and treats their landscaping like a salad bar. Ornamental plants are highly preferred by deer and receive the worst damage. These plants are notoriously susceptible to deer damage: hosta, azaleas, yews, arborvitae, apple trees, eunonymus, rhododendrons, tulips, and hydrangea.
Why Treat Your Property?
Preventing deer from destroying your landscaping protects the value of your home. Decreased deer traffic on your property will result in less deer droppings on your lawn and less potential for deer ticks (carriers of Lyme disease).
How Does It Work?
Protects plants by forming a mild odor barrier that is not offensive to humans. Deer have an exceptional sense of smell. They are creatures of habit and once they are deterred by the odor, they will steer clear and look elsewhere. The repellent also deters rabbits and other small rodents from nibbling.
How Often Do You Come?
Landscapes are sprayed monthly to protect from deer feeding damage. If only treating perennials and annuals, choose months that apply.
How Much?
The price varies according to the size of your yard what you have planted. Save money by not having to replace your trees, shrubs, and flowers on an annual basis.